
WARRIORS: Stars of Destiny


General Description

Outsiders are a general catch-all term for living cats that reside outside of the clans. They are far and away the most diverse group, having the ability to hail from anywhere with the majority having very little to tie them together. This means appearences, temperment, et cetera can vary wildly from cat to cat. Each clan has unique relationships to outsiders, with clans like Wildclan being very open to them joining their ranks while clans like Ivyclan are less so. There are cats who live on the outside that do perform vital purposes for the clans, such as the self-descriptive questgiver and shopkeeper, who tend to maintain high relations regardless of general views.

The Coalition

The Coalition are revolutionaries to some, terrorists to others. They fight against the structure of the clan. Most of the Coalition's members are filled directly with cats who have been harmed by clan life, from tyrannical leaders, to cruel cultures, to the scars left by war. They form strong bounds through blood and trials that can be a bit close to hazing. They're going to fix the system that wronged, them even if they might not have the best way around it and it's ranks can be filled with cats all along the morality spectrum. There even are clan cats amongst their ranks, trying to foil any plots to weaken their clans. It's lead and created by Blizzardfang, who is extremely charismatic and entirely dedicated to the cause. Alongside him on the top are his romantic partner Pyriteblaze and younger sister Ice, with Checkers serving as their healer.

There's 4 ranks in the Coalition. Snows, cats of all ages who need training. Storms, cats who have the prowess akin to a warrior's. Evergreens, cats both skilled in medicine and battle. Winters, the leaders. Each member has a band on their tale signifying their rank with the number of flowers on them. The minimum number of flowers for each rank is 1, 6, 8, and 12 respectively. They are primarily found in the Broken Nest, an old twoleg nest that's abandoned and destroyed due to time, but they are known to venture far into clan territory.

Coalition Arena's are publically avaliable via it's own spreedsheet. Link here.

Types of Outsider


Loners are the general catch all for cats that are true strays, belonging to no group and having no alliance. They live on their own, with the main exceptions typically being those with dependent kits. Loners tend to be cats in-between groups, rarely being loners for long periods of time. They are generally treated neutrally, as while many may wish to join clans after poor life circumstances, some are also cats exiled for crimes that may be unknown.


Rogues are groups of loners that band together, but not in groups that have any form of official recognition. They can be anywhere from small to large. Some groups may be temporary, particularly smaller groups, while others may wish to gain larger recognition. They tend to be nomadic, many established groups that are nomadic may be mistaken for rogues, while others tend to have territory but it tends to be of poor quality. Clan cats generally treat rogues with more aggression, especially ones from larger groups, and being called a rogue can be considered an insult.


Kittypets live amongst twolegs, as long as one is being cared for on some level and live in the territory of at least one twoleg den, then that is a kittypet. They may live anywhere from purely inside the twoleg den or outside of it, and many identify themselves with collars and harnesses gifted to them by their "housefolk." Their lives are considered to be soft, many being solitary or castrated for the ability to not worry about any dangers, and becoming a kittypet is strictly against the warrior code. There have been many kittypets, typically those born into being one, that become clan cats and there are whispers of far off clans that allow cats to have a paw in each world.


Outsiders get the outskirts of territory, frequently being forced out of more desirable spots of land. Many live in twoleg territory, with kittypets not straying too far from their dens while loners and rogues may take up abandoned dens and spots where scavenging thrive. They may also reside in territory that has little benefit to clan cats, be it the distance, lack of prey, or levels of danger seen as not worth the upkeep. Some particularly bold cats may strive into clan territory, but patrols may find them and that could quickly turn to disaster for those not on friendly ground.