
WARRIORS: Stars of Destiny


Before joining, please take a moment to review our server rules to make sure the server is right for you. There are additional rules for character creation, roleplay, partnerships, and advertising avaliable as needed in our server.



While we understand life happens, we want the server to be as active as possible!

Activity checks will accur bi-monthly, any members who miss two activity checks in a row will be removed from server and their characters archived. Those who inform us in rp-absence will NOT be counted as missing a check.


Please do not mini-mod, allow Seniors to do their jobs. If someone has a question, problem, ect, please direct them to questions or ping a staff member and we will help them.

Chat Leads can help with simple questions and issues, Admins and Moderators are here for serious problems or questions they cannot answer. Problems regarding bots, roles and channels should be directed towards specifically Kasu or Bog.


Disrespect of any form is not tolerated in this server. We pride ourselves on being a welcoming space and any hateful language or acts will result in an instant ban.

4.) NSFW

Any content considered suggestive or NSFW is not allowed within server. No art, messages, memes, profile content (icons, banners, statuses), ect, may include NSFW content.


Any topics listed in blacklist is not to be discussed in the public channels of this server. If any topic on this list is to be discussed, it should be done so in blacklist-chat. Imagery and extreme topics must be spoiled in this channel as well.

6.) AGES

All members of this server must be 16 years or older.


All art must be credited, meaning if art you posted is not made by you, you must state the name and platform the artist can be found on or link directly to their profile.

Art theft is unacceptable and if you are caught stealing art (reposting art and claiming it is yours/tracing/using AI art) you will be banned.


AI content is NOT allowed in server. This includes AI art, writing such as ChatGPT, ect. Posting anything generated by AI will receive one warning and then a ban.

This server is very art based community and AI generated content takes away opportunities for artists. Many artists here offer free art all the time, so if you cannot afford to buy it simply wait for that!


This server is not run on strikes. Whether you are kicked or banned is decided based entirely on the offense and decided by the staff team.


Swearing is of course allowed as long as it is not harmfully directed at others. Slurs and other offensive terms are NOT allowed under any circumstances.


Topics that would be deemed uncomfortable should be kept in blacklist-chat even if they are not a blacklisted topic. If someone asks for a topic to be dropped, move it to this channel.

Additionally, if you wish for a topic to be dropped please ask politely for users to stop or, ask a staff member (specifically a Chat Lead if one if available) to do so for you.


Some members of this server are very sensitive to certain lighting and imagery. Anything with bright colors, lights, complex/disorienting patterns (A good example being the Lioden Rumble pattern), must be censored with a warning.

Link to Join The Discord